Anime News

Rie Takahashi Advises Fans to Wash Their Bodies Before Her Concert

rie takahashi

If you’ve ever been to a concert or an anime convention—or really any crowded space full of enthusiastic fans—you know there can be a telltale funk associated with the festivities. Voice actress and singer Rie Takahashi knows this well, too, which is why she recently shared an infographic with some keen advice ahead of her first concert last Sunday.

In addition to tips like remembering to bring your wallet and wearing a mask properly, Takahashi’s infographic includes a truly crucial nugget: “Make sure you wash your body beforehand so you don’t bother others with your odor!” Rather than being rude or off-putting, the infographic comes off as well organized and genuinely helpful, and it seems most fans took it as such. 

This isn’t just good advice for seeing Rie Takahashi live, mind you. It’s good life advice all around! Wash yourself, folks! 

In addition to her singing career, Rie Takahashi is known for voicing many popular anime characters, including Emilia in Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- and Megumin in KONOSUBA, among others. We appreciate her candor. 

Via Anime News Network