Anime News

Ranking of Kings Manga Returns to Digital with New Translation

ranking of kings manga

When Sosuke Toka’s Ranking of Kings manga first made its way to English audiences through BookLive, it came with a poor translation loaded with typographical errors and mistranslations. In addition to that, BookLive said they found the previous translation had “plagiarized part of the translation from a pirated version,” and as such they went about work on a re-translation and suspended distribution of the original version.

Now that updated version is complete, and as such it can be purchased with an all new translation by Crunchyroll, which streamed the TV anime adaptation as it aired. Those who previously purchased the Ranking of Kings manga can redownload it with the new translation at the site of purchase. 

Here’s how Crunchyroll describes the Ranking of Kings anime:

How prosperous your nation is, how many powerful warriors it boasts, and how heroic and strong its king is. These are the criteria that factor into the system known as the Ranking of Kings.

The main character, Bojji, was born the first prince of the kingdom ruled by King Bossu, who is ranked number seven.

But Bojji was born unable to hear and is so powerless that he can’t even swing a sword. In consequence, his own retainers and the public, look down upon him as completely unfit to be king.

It is then that Bojji finds his first friend, Kage, and Bojji’s life takes a dramatic turn…

There’s also more Ranking of Kings anime on the way this April, so now is a great time to read the manga. 

Via Crunchyroll News