Anime News

Ranking of Kings Manga Goes on Indefinite Hiatus

ranking of kings

The Ranking of Kings manga is going on a bit of a break, as recently revealed in the 230/231st chapter. Sosuke Toka’s series will be on hiatus for a while, and there is no return date listed at the time of this writing. 

The manga recently made its return to digital with a new translation by Crunchyroll, which streamed the TV anime adaptation as it aired. Here’s how they describe the anime:

How prosperous your nation is, how many powerful warriors it boasts, and how heroic and strong its king is. These are the criteria that factor into the system known as the Ranking of Kings.

The main character, Bojji, was born the first prince of the kingdom ruled by King Bossu, who is ranked number seven.

But Bojji was born unable to hear and is so powerless that he can’t even swing a sword. In consequence, his own retainers and the public, look down upon him as completely unfit to be king.

It is then that Bojji finds his first friend, Kage, and Bojji’s life takes a dramatic turn…

Via Anime News Network