Anime News

Pop Team Epic Creator Bkub Okawa Designs Chainsaw Man Merch


Bkub Okawa, the agent of chaos best known for Pop Team Epic, can now add more merch design to his skill set as the creator has designed a new line of merch for a special promotion between the Chainsaw Man series and the Animate chain of stores in Japan. The merchandise features the usual acrylic stands, buttons and keychains designed in Bkub’s unmistakable style, as well as items like hairclips and coffee mugs.


Bkub Animate Chainsaw Man Merch


Holographic Sticker Set


The items will be on sale throughout all Animate locations in-store in Japan from April 1 until the 23rd, with bonus random holographic stickers included with purchases of ¥2200 or more. Those who prefer to order online also have the option of pre-ordering boxes of merchandise that meet the ¥2200 threshold to earn the holographic stickers as well from now until February 1, with the added bonus of a sticker exclusive to online orders being given away at random.


Sources: Comic Natalie, Animate Official Site


Watch Chainsaw Man right here on Crunchyroll!