Anime News

Macross TV Anime Inspires “X Years Later” Documentary Special


40 years after its premiere, The Super Dimension Fortress Macross has continued to be a major force in the world of anime. Next month, a TV special will bring together some of the biggest names behind the franchise to talk about its success.


X Nengo no Kankeisha-tachi (“The People Involved X Years Later”) is a TV series bringing together groups of people who worked together on a major project. For the show’s 40th episode, they’ll be assembling a team of anime luminaries to talk about what made Macross the lasting hit it’s become.



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The special will feature appearances from director and mechanical designer Shoji Kawamori, character designer and animation director Haruhiko Mikimoto, mechanical animation director Ichiro Itano, and music producer Shiro Sasaki. Together, they’ll chat about how the series started, how it won the hearts of fans, and what set it apart from its contemporaries.



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The special is set to air May 2 on BS-TBS.


Source: Comic Natalie




Kara Dennison is an author of fiction and non-fiction, avid tabletop gamer, and regular Otaku USA Magazine features writer. Follow her on Twitter @RubyCosmos, and read more at