Anime News

GAMERA -Rebirth- Project Brings Kaiju Staple Back on Netflix


Classic kaiju hero Gamera is getting ready to return, and while we don’t know any of the details about the project, Netflix went ahead and started teasing GAMERA -Rebirth-. In addition to teaser visuals and a teaser trailer, the news came along with plans to debut a new figure at TAMASHII NATION 2022 this weekend, complete with a special newspaper that will be distributed at the venue. 

Check out the teaser promo and visuals:

Shusuke Kaneko, who directed the Heisei trilogy of Gamera films from 1995 to 1999, shared the following message:

When I proposed my own concept for Gamera in the Reiwa era, KADOKAWA was already working on a new project. The content seemed to make sense to me, so I have high expectations for this project as well. So, as a baseball commentator with experience as a Gamera team manager, I will continue to support it until it wins the championship and I take the plate again.

Gamera first made his debut through Daiei (now KADOKAWA) with Daikaiju Gamera in 1965. We’ll have to wait and see what comes of this new project. 

Via Crunchyroll News